== vtranq ==

Binance smart chain


  • BSC fully compatible with Ethereum
  • Binance - leading crypto exchange
  • Launch trên BSC chi phí rẻ hơn, có ecosystem lớn hỗ trợ (VD: Binance Launchpad, và có sẵn sàn Binance để giao dịch)
  • Để nắm rõ cách thức tạo smart contract và token như thế nào

Cách tạo smart contract

Requirements: Metamask Wallet


  1. Connect your metamask to Binance Smart Chain
  2. Open remix.ethereum.org
  3. Create smart contract
  4. Write Smart Contract
  5. Select RPC to Smart Chain
  6. Deploy

It will cost $0.05 for deploying your smart contract on Binance smart chain

Các câu hỏi

  • Giới hạn về kích thước của smart contract là bao nhiêu?
  • Khi cần lưu cấu trúc dữ liệu lớn thì như thế nào?

Worklog - Week 08/11



  • Tạo và launch 1 smart contract và token lên BSC
  • Trade bot
  • Xem các course


  • List thống kê lịch sử giao dịch để phân tích lãi lỗ và phí
    • sau này có thể group theo coin và theo thời điểm để xác định lãi lỗ thế nào
    • xác định các mức chốt lời / cắt lỗ
  • Triển khai terminal để quản lý labo (có left sidebar chứa các menu như Google Cloud)
  • Viết code để lấy thông tin sổ lệnh bằng python

Smart contract development

Brainstorm các ý tưởng phát triển blockchain

  • Lưu thông tin các hóa đơn trên blockchain (ghi nhận số tiền và hash của hóa đơn đó)
  • Phải là liên quan đến tài chính thì mới có incentive để trả phí giao dịch blockchain
    • Đặt cọc / mua bán bất động sản trên blockchain –> không thể bẻ cọc / quỵt được
    • Thực hiện các hợp đồng trên blockchain –> chứng từ rõ ràng, không thể thay đổi được
  • Ứng dụng tài chính
    • Cho vay (dài, ngắn, nóng)
    • Cầm đồ / cầm cố
    • Thế chấp
    • Chơi hụi
    • Số đề
    • Cá độ
    • Đánh bài / đánh cờ / cờ bạc
    • Góp vốn
    • Từ thiện
    • Gây quỹ
    • Sàn giao dịch
    • Thanh toán retail; quét mã QR hoặc quẹt thẻ để thanh toán bằng crypto
    • Công chứng
    • Đặt cọc
    • Quản lý tài sản: quét mã vào thì trace ra được tài sản/đất đai này ai đang là chủ sở hữu (để bảo đảm là tài sản chính chủ, không mua bán nhiều lần…)
      • App blockchain ở VN để quản lý việc giao dịch bất động sản, mua bán đất, căn hộ, dự án…để minh bạch thông tin, không bị lừa…, đồng thời giúp việc mua bán một cách dễ dàng (VD: ngồi ở bất cứ đâu cũng đều có thể mua ngay bất động sản mình ưng ý thông qua hệ thống blockchain/p2p…)
  • Blockchain giải quyết vấn đề gì cho các lĩnh vực này?
    • Phi tập trung, không cần người thứ 3
    • KHông sửa đổi được, không bẻ kèo được
    • Minh bạch
  • Cái gì có liên quan đến giao dịch, cần đúng đắn, không được sửa đổi thì đều có thể dùng blockchain


Cryto things

Solana is a blockchain, ecosystem for other projects. The value behind it grows as $SOL lands more projects, developers, and users.

Kusama is a test environment for Polkadot which grows depending on how successful its parachains become.

In terms of tokenomics, I’d say Kusama is better because voting mechanisms are hovering around locking your KSM, and also max supply is fixed to 10m tokens. But in terms of adoption SOL has skyrocketed recently.

If I were you I’d search for a much better option, for example, Terra ($LUNA). Its TVL (total value locked in) is 3 times higher than SOL yet the market cap is 3 times lower.

Cài đặt CPU mining trên Centos

yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
yum install curl-devel openssl-devel git screen screen
cd /usr/local/src/
git clone https://github.com/tpruvot/cpuminer-multi.git
cd cpuminer-multi
./configure CFLAGS="-march=native" --with-crypto --with-curl

Now all that is left is to run the cpuminer command. You can use the following: (Be sure you change the XMR address to your own, unless you want to mine for me :))

./cpuminer -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp://pool.usxmrpool.com:3333 -u 46dpA9N1KDE9yERcSGASXPUyA4ga1GrPq5sDXqwwjQL2dAmf5kvgpNQUWdvyT1r55pfwfvuBn2h7YQPhZFYdWtjWUVUTobh -p x



Worklog - Week 01/11


  • Theo dõi Solana DEX: Solanax
  • Phân bổ vốn đầu tư vào 3-5 coin tiềm năng, có khả năng bứt phá lên nhưng không biết khi nào. Do không biết chính xác coin nào sẽ bứt phá nên cách hiệu quả là phân bổ vốn ra. Khi coin này bứt phá xong thì có thể chuyển vốn vào các con khác
    • Để 1 phần dành cho trade lướt ngắn hạn để có thể chộp ngay cơ hội (vì lỡ cơ hội đến mà không còn vốn nhàn rỗi thì không nắm bắt được cơ hội đó)
  • Python trading bot: https://github.com/CyberPunkMetalHead


  • Hoàn chỉnh template và nội dung cho dev.vms
  • Finalize phần accounting 2020 cho VMS và cập nhật các báo cáo năm trước 2019
  • Plan nội dung và launch phiên bản draft cho cargotek cho các giải pháp logistics/warehouse
  • Tìm hiểu BSC, xem cách thức tạo 1 coin trên BSC
  • Tạo contract … trên Solana với Rust


  • Test tương tác qua RPC với Bitcoin network để hiểu rõ về cơ chế của Bitcoin
  • Đọc cuốn Mastering Bitcoin
  • viết service để tự động call vào số điện thoại khi có 1 event nào đó xảy ra (để theo dõi giá / tin tức…)
  • Xem lại sổ lệnh, có vấn đề, không chính xác
  • Python trading bot: https://github.com/CyberPunkMetalHead


  • 4/11: giả sử sáng bán SAND giá 3.17 để mua SOL giá 243.4 thì xem đến chiều nay ntn
    • SOL sắp ra hội nghị từ ngày 7; giá đã lên cao quá, khả năng sẽ điều chỉnh lại; theo rule thì ko được đu khi giá đã lên quá 10%
    • SAND lực mua còn nhiều
    • Để xem đến cuối ngày, và đến ngày mai xem diễn tiến ntn; DỰ ĐOÁN SÁN sẽ trên 3.2; SOL có thể giá 250

Bitcoin takeaway

  • Bitcoin là tiền –> mục đích của nó là để lưu trữ giá trị và để thanh toán, giao dịch
  • Có các địa chỉ
  • Tạo giao dịch gởi nhận tiền từ địa chỉ này đến địa chỉ khác
  • Block đầu tiên cần 100 block confirmation ==> block này sẽ mature khi hệ thống sinh ra tới block 101
  • RPC gồm danh sách nhiều entry
  • Dùng bitcoin-cli để gởi command đến RPC









Phone call

curl -X POST https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/ACde7be1268189f92da72428a06b3b4bde/Calls.json \
--data-urlencode "Url=http://demo.twilio.com/docs/voice.xml" \
--data-urlencode "To=+84979995559" \
--data-urlencode "From=+18508209439" \
-u ACde7be1268189f92da72428a06b3b4bde:d3bec18af2abb7ea86387fc5744860b6

Sample code để gọi điện thoại (repo: .../customers/cloudpad9.com/builder/dev/crypto.binance.alert):

mkdir -p dev/crypto.binance.alert
cd dev/crypto.binance.alert
python3 -m venv tutorial-env
source tutorial-env/bin/activate
pip install twilio

echo "export TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID='ACde7be1268189f92da72428a06b3b4bde'" > twilio.env
echo "export TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN='d3bec18af2abb7ea86387fc5744860b6'" >> twilio.env
source ./twilio.env
echo "twilio.env" >> .gitignore

touch main.py
python3 main.py


Crypto News


  • ETH vẫn là leader trong altcoin; hệ sinh thái lớn; top of mind; top of media, sẽ dần có thêm nhiều nước chấp nhận, và tiếp tục tăng trưởng mạnh
  • ETH vẫn là coin có tăng trưởng ổn định và bền
  • XRP có tính hữu dụng thực sự; các bank đang adopt; tại vì đang dính kiện tụng nên giá còn bị đè, chưa được list lại trên Coinbase. Giao dịch vẫn rất lớn; giá target có thể tăng đến 27;
    • Theo dõi sát để mua, khá an toàn và tiềm năng tăng giá cao
    • Đang có trend lên
  • “Bitcoin is mathematics, mathematical purity. There can never be another Bitcoin created.”
  • LINK tiếp tục tăng trưởng

Theo dõi

  • Sẽ phát triển mạnh theo xu hướng metaverse
    • ENJ:game play to earn
    • MANA: đất ảo


  • “Digital ledger technology holds great promise for financial innovation and inclusion. It’s an industry that I think the United States is leading, leading, and I’d love to see us continue to lead there. Especially when we look at other countries like China and the Chinese Communist Party that have moved to ban private sector activities in this area. “
  • “We use the crypto market as a means of payment. Have we fully considered this new regulation and how will the tax affect this fast growing industry? Is that why the leadership in this industry fled the United States? “
  • The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has released a set of guidelines for crypto-backed exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in Australia, which could mean Australians will be able to trade bitcoin (BTC) and ethereum (ETH) ETFs in the coming months
  • The Altair upgrade, which arguably inspired the bull run, is yet another step towards implementing Ethereum 2.0.
  • According to Bybt, more than $1.2 billion in ETH options are set to expire by Friday, and over half of the predictions on the future value of the asset were in favor of it surpassing $4,500.
  • Chainlink frustrates buyers as bull trap take shape, LINK could sink to $25.50
  • SOLANA vẫn đang trend lên, đang tích lũy


  • Các giao dịch tiền điện tử tăng hơn 700% ở châu Á – Việt Nam, Ấn Độ và Pakistan dẫn đầu Việt Nam đứng thứ 2 toàn cầu về Chỉ số tiếp nhận DeFi sau khi dẫn đầu tỷ lệ chấp nhận crypto Việt Nam đứng đầu danh sách tỷ lệ nhà đầu tư bán lẻ chấp nhận tiền điện tử tăng trưởng nhanh nhất
  • WOO Network today announced WOOFi, a new capital-efficient DEX powered by institutional hedging and market-making techniques, would be used alongside Chainlink to create institutional-ready market data oracles.
  • Since Spring of 2021, the WOOFi Swap proof of concept on BSC and Polygon has traded nearly $4 billion in volume, demonstrating the effectiveness of the market-making algorithm known as Synthetic Proactive Market Making
  • The Chainlink Network has been operational for 2+ years with extreme uptime and resilience during even the most intense conditions, including periods of high volatility and network congestion.
  • WOO Network is leveraging Chainlink infrastructure to build its own independent DONs, which consist of a range of on-chain data feeds and trading parameters derived from WOO network itself.
  • After 500% rally, Chainlink (LINK) just passed Ethereum in this crucial metric


  • Solana has a simple unique selling preposition (USP) — it can perform transactions much quicker and more cost-effectively than other layer 1 blockchains such as Ethereum.
  • Additionally, it can drive massive adoption to various parts of the crypto-economy with its ease of use. Furthermore, it has the backing of some of the bigwigs in the investing world in Andreessen Horowitz and billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried. Hence, Solana has an incredible growth runway ahead and is worth investing in for the long haul.
  • RISK: Solana’s technology has come a long way, but it has received a lot of flak for its semi-centralized platform. The Solana Foundation controls all its development. Moreover, the cost of being a validator is extremely high, which limits participation in the validation process. Additionally, the risk of centralization is that the transactions on the network may not be indisputable. For instance, Ethereum had to roll back several transactions during the Dao hack.


  • RUNE, the native token of decentralized exchange protocol THORchain.


Decentraland là một nền tảng thực tế ảo (Virtual Reality – VR) được hỗ trợ bởi Ethereum. Tầm nhìn về việc phát triển một vũ trụ thực tế ảo Metaverse của Decentraland đã được bắt đầu từ năm 2015, khi nền tảng đã tạo cơ hội cho người dùng kiếm được rất nhiều tiền từ thực tế ảo.

Tới năm 2017, dự án mới thực sự tích hợp các đặc tính của công nghệ blockchain và trở thành dự án tiền điện tử. Qua thời gian, Decentraland đã có nhiều sự vận động thích nghi với xu hướng trong thị trường tiền điện tử, đặc biệt là xu hướng NFT vừa qua.

Cho tới hiện tại, khi lời đồn về Metaverse xuất hiện thì có lẽ đây là lúc bùng nổ của Decentraland.


  • The rise of meme coins shows just how powerful everyday investors banding together on Reddit or Twitter are. If a crypto harvests enough excitement, and more and more investors pile in, the value of that crypto will keep rising.
  • So in order to explode, meme cryptos need to have a lot of fans, and people willing to essentially gamble.

Binance Api


The base endpoint is: https://api.binance.com If there are performance issues with the endpoint above, these API clusters are also available:



Dùng 1 stream

let ws = new WebSocket('wss://stream.binance.com:9443/ws/solusdt@trade');

ws.onopen = function (event) {
	console.log('xxxOPEN', event)

ws.onmessage = function (event) {
    var msg = JSON.parse(event.data);
    console.log('xxxONMESSAGE', msg);

Dùng nhiều stream

let ws = new WebSocket('wss://stream.binance.com:9443/stream?streams=solusdt@trade/ethusdt@trade');

ws.onopen = function (event) {
	console.log('xxxOPEN', event)

ws.onmessage = function (event) {
    var msg = JSON.parse(event.data);

    console.log('Stream = ', msg.stream);
    console.log('Data = ', msg.data);

Send a message

var msg = {
    foo: "bar"


Hoặc kết nối rồi mới subscribe

let ws = new WebSocket('wss://stream.binance.com:9443/ws');

ws.onopen = function (event) {
	console.log('xxxOPEN', event)

    var msg = {
    	"method": "SUBSCRIBE",
    	"id": 1


ws.onmessage = function (event) {
  console.log('xxxONMESSAGE', event.data);

Cấu trúc thông tin của trade stream

  "e": "trade",     // Event type
  "E": 123456789,   // Event time
  "s": "BNBBTC",    // Symbol
  "t": 12345,       // Trade ID
  "p": "0.001",     // Price
  "q": "100",       // Quantity
  "b": 88,          // Buyer order ID
  "a": 50,          // Seller order ID
  "T": 123456785,   // Trade time
  "m": true,        // Is the buyer the market maker?
  "M": true         // Ignore

Cấu trúc thông tin của aggTrade stream

  "e": "aggTrade",  // Event type
  "E": 123456789,   // Event time
  "s": "BNBBTC",    // Symbol
  "a": 12345,       // Aggregate trade ID
  "p": "0.001",     // Price
  "q": "100",       // Quantity
  "f": 100,         // First trade ID
  "l": 105,         // Last trade ID
  "T": 123456785,   // Trade time
  "m": true,        // Is the buyer the market maker?
  "M": true         // Ignore

Lấy thông tin candlestick

Format: kline_<interval>

let ws = new WebSocket('wss://stream.binance.com:9443/stream?streams=solusdt@kline_15m');

ws.onopen = function (event) {
	console.log('xxxOPEN', event)

ws.onmessage = function (event) {
    var msg = JSON.parse(event.data);

    console.log('Stream = ', msg.stream);
    console.log('Data = ', msg.data);

Cấu trúc kết quả:

  "e": "kline",     // Event type
  "E": 123456789,   // Event time
  "s": "BNBBTC",    // Symbol
  "k": {
    "t": 123400000, // Kline start time
    "T": 123460000, // Kline close time
    "s": "BNBBTC",  // Symbol
    "i": "1m",      // Interval
    "f": 100,       // First trade ID
    "L": 200,       // Last trade ID
    "o": "0.0010",  // Open price
    "c": "0.0020",  // Close price
    "h": "0.0025",  // High price
    "l": "0.0015",  // Low price
    "v": "1000",    // Base asset volume
    "n": 100,       // Number of trades
    "x": false,     // Is this kline closed?
    "q": "1.0000",  // Quote asset volume
    "V": "500",     // Taker buy base asset volume
    "Q": "0.500",   // Taker buy quote asset volume
    "B": "123456"   // Ignore

24h mini ticker

let ws = new WebSocket('wss://stream.binance.com:9443/stream?streams=solusdt@miniTicker');

ws.onopen = function (event) {
	console.log('xxxOPEN', event)

ws.onmessage = function (event) {
    var msg = JSON.parse(event.data);

    console.log('Stream = ', msg.stream);
    console.log('Data = ', msg.data);

Xem sổ lệnh

let ws = new WebSocket('wss://stream.binance.com:9443/stream?streams=solusdt@bookTicker');

ws.onopen = function (event) {
	console.log('xxxOPEN', event)

ws.onmessage = function (event) {
    var msg = JSON.parse(event.data);

    console.log('Stream = ', msg.stream);
    console.log('Data = ', msg.data);

Cấu trúc kết quả:

  "u":400900217,     // order book updateId
  "s":"BNBUSDT",     // symbol
  "b":"25.35190000", // best bid price
  "B":"31.21000000", // best bid qty
  "a":"25.36520000", // best ask price
  "A":"40.66000000"  // best ask qty

IMPORTANT - Xem top các lệnh trong sổ

let ws = new WebSocket('wss://stream.binance.com:9443/stream?streams=solusdt@depth20');

ws.onopen = function (event) {
	console.log('xxxOPEN', event)

ws.onmessage = function (event) {
    var msg = JSON.parse(event.data);

    console.log('Stream = ', msg.stream);
    console.log('Data = ', msg.data);

IMPORTANT - Xem tất cả các lệnh pending trong sổ

let ws = new WebSocket('wss://stream.binance.com:9443/stream?streams=solusdt@depth');

ws.onopen = function (event) {
	console.log('xxxOPEN', event)

ws.onmessage = function (event) {
    var msg = JSON.parse(event.data);

    console.log('Stream = ', msg.stream);
    console.log('Data = ', msg.data);


Có một nút stop khi không cần xem thông tin thị trường nữa:

var msg = {
	"method": "UNSUBSCRIBE",
	"id": 1


Để đặt lệnh giao dịch


Worklog - Week 25/10


  • Cứ theo trend mà xác định vào/ra


  • Hoàn chỉnh template và nội dung cho dev.vms
  • Finalize phần accounting 2020 cho VMS và cập nhật các báo cáo năm trước 2019
  • Plan nội dung và launch phiên bản draft cho cargotek cho các giải pháp logistics/warehouse


  • Thiết kế Binance trade panel

    • show giá trên symbolbar luôn / lấy ws marketprice stream / hoặc chỉ show màu xanh đỏ
    • panel show status của tất cả các coin trên thị trường, có thể sắp xếp theo thứ tự để có thể nhanh chóng screening
    • detect xem coin nào 3 cây xanh 4h liên tục
  • Tìm hiểu BSC, xem cách thức tạo 1 coin trên BSC

  • Xem cách thức tạo 1 coin trên Solana

  • Theo dõi danh sách các coin rồi detect các pattern, trend trên đó, để nhanh chóng hành động

  • Cách thức tạo 1 DEX exchange trên BSC/Solona

  • How to fork pancakeswap, uniswap on solana

  • Tạo 1 defi app trên SOlana ntn

  • Tìm hiểu cách tạo NTF bán như một 14-year-old

  • https://cointelegraph.com/news/top-5-cryptocurrencies-to-watch-this-week-btc-eth-bnb-matic-ftm

Thử viết bot chơi lướt ván: phát hiện coin tăng liên tục thì nhảy vào và tự động đặt mức để nhảy ra hoặc stop-loss, rồi kiểm tra bot xem có ok ko; check đồng thởi với ETH để có thêm thông tin trend –> AI để predict; input là ETH, BTC, giá, tốc độ tăng, volume, số lệnh; thời gian thị trường, ngày trong tuần, viết bằng PHP sau đó chuyển sang python crypto là lâu dài, do đó cần bot để hỗ trợ

Binance trade panel


  • Cho phép truy xuất nhanh, tiện lợi theo ý mình, không cần thông qua Binance web
  • Các thông tin cần quan tâm
    • Đối với 1 coin nào đó
      • Danh sách lệnh bán
      • Danh sách lệnh mua
      • Biểu đồ candlesticks
      • Thông tin giao dịch 24h
    • Đối với toàn thị trường
      • Các coin đang emerge lên…

How to create a coin


REF chi tiết: https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/a-guide-to-pancakeswap * https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0x2b3f34e9d4b127797ce6244ea341a83733ddd6e4

  • PancakeSwap is a Binance Smart Chain-based DEX launched by anonymous devs with a penchant for breakfast foods and rabbits.
  • PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange for swapping BEP-20 tokens.
  • Familiar with Uniswap or SushiSwap? Then you’ll have no issue grasping PancakeSwap – they are quite similar in their core design.
  • PancakeSwap uses an automated market maker (AMM) model. That means that while you can trade digital assets on the platform, there isn’t an order book where you’re matched with someone else. Instead, you trade against a liquidity pool.
  • PancakeSwap also allows you to farm its governance token – CAKE.
  • PancakeSwap aims to compete with Ethereum-based decentralized exchanges with smaller fees and rapid transactions—plus other unique hooks
  • PancakeSwap is used specifically for BEP-20 tokens running on Binance Smart Chain, although it’s possible to bring over tokens from other platforms via Binance Bridge and “wrap” them as a BEP-20 token for use on the DEX.


  • Uniswap has been one of the most successful DeFi protocols for swapping tokens on Ethereum. It was created by a small team of passionate builders who have made the code open-source and available for anyone to fork. And that’s exactly what SushiSwap did!
  • Uniswap has solidified its position as one of the core DeFi protocols.
  • Uniswap is a decentralized exchange protocol that works without an order book. Instead of an order book, it utilizes a model called automated market-making (AMM), where liquidity providers add funds to liquidity pools.
  • Uniswap might remain at the forefront of innovation in the AMM space, while SushiSwap could provide an alternative that’s more focused on features that the community wants to see.


  • SushiSwap is a fork of Uniswap that adds the appetizing SUSHI token. It grants control over the protocol to holders and pays a portion of fees to themư
  • SushiSwap is a fun experiment, but never deposit more than you could lose.



How to buy Floki Inu

Binance smart chain


Scraper Cli


  • Đã thử dùng Google Custom Search nhưng không hiệu quả, không như ý mình muốn. Cách tốt nhất là viết riêng scraper cho một vài site top trong lĩnh vực là đủ. Không cần qua nhiều site

Project environment

  • http://xxx/a/misc.crypto/cpanel/xxx?q=ethereum
  • Thư mục /cli hiện có: /space1/cli/import_news_wsj.php
  • Code tương tự: /space1/customers/chinesehaohao.com/sites/front/controller/ChineseToolsController.php
  • http://…/a/misc.crypto/cpanel/xxx
  • /…/shared/helper/BaseScraper.php
  • /…/shared/helper/pCurl.php
  • pCURL::download($url);


  • Load data từ nhiều sources
  • Lưu headlines vào MongoDB
  • Có 1 cpanel để xem các headline
  • Dùng thông qua RSS
    • Để không cần custom-parse HTML -> dễ bảo trì hơn, không phải phụ thuộc vào cấu trúc html của các page
    • Không bị cản trở bởi các site load dữ liệu bằng JS
    • UPDATED: RSS của nhiều site không có đầy đủ như phiên bản HTML
    • –> Tùy site mà dùng RSS hay dùng HTML
  • Không dùng send qua mail vì không có full control (VD: không dùng query để search được)
  • Frontend cpanel
    • Cho xem headlines
    • Cho phép search headlines?

Performance consideration

  • Để không làm quá tải server
    • Bao lâu chạy 1 lần?


  • Nên đặt vào thư mục /cli hiện có? –> YES
  • Phần lấy news của chinesehaohao?
  • Hoặc dùng Google Search API? –> Rất tiềm năng, vì khi đó có unlimited sources, có những source mới, mà không bị giới hạn vào các source hiện có của mình

Google Custom Search Engine



Ví dụ:





  • Solana stat dashboard: https://solanabeach.io/
  • Solana sẽ là #1 blockchain in the planet. Nó sẽ vượt qua mặt cả BTC và Ethereum
    • Solana is faster than Ethereum, processing 50,000 transactions per second or more compared to Ethereum’s 15 to 45 TPS rate
    • Các dự án mới chọn phát triển trên Solana
    • Các dự án cũ đang migrate sang Solana
    • Chi phí chạy trên Ethereum ngày càng đắt đỏ
    • Các bridge phát triển để kết nối từ Ethereum và các blockchain khác sang Solana
      • Today, the leading cross-chain bridges allow Ethereum users to migrate ERC-20 tokens to other networks.
    • Solana sẽ vượt qua giá của Ethereum
    • Solana is a great long-term investment
  • There are tons of applications and users on Solana; it’s achieved far more real-world relevancy than meme tokens such as Dogecoin or Safemoon. Solana is worth taking seriously, and if it sells off further due to its technical problems, traders should consider buying the dip
  • Stablecoins work like a savings account.
    • Khi cần có thể chuyển đổi các crypto sang stablecoin để lưu giữ giá trị



  • GREAT article: https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2021/07/06/the-quest-for-a-truly-decentralized-stablecoin/
  • The cryptocurrency industry won’t stop trying to make a purely algorithmic stablecoin work
  • The dollar was once basically a stablecoin tied to gold, and that worked well as the greenback was establishing itself as an asset
  • But in time the American economy got so much bigger that it needed more flexibility than the gold standard afforded.
  • The crypto economy will also outgrow a collateral obligation eventually
  • An algorithmic stablecoin is one that can keep its peg using only software and rules. If one ever works, it could scale infinitely, to whatever size an economy needs.
  • “To create USDC you need USD in the bank, and that works well if you’re just starting out,” Tan said. “What comes after, it’s the right kind of monetary policy that allows stability and low volatility to allow people to trade … if we can do that with math and we can do that with monetary policy, that’s more efficient.”
  • Without stablecoins, there would have been no decentralized finance (DeFi) booms, which means there probably would have also been no non-fungible token (NFT) boom. Stablecoins have been table stakes for what the industry has achieved so far.
  • And the crypto industry largely agrees that some set of stablecoins will have a very bright future.
    • “I think stablecoins will replace the eurodollar market completely,” said Tushar Jain of Multicoin Capital.
  • The main feature of a Stablecoin is that its value will remain stable even after five years, and this will ease losses with a significant drop in the market.
  • Another way to earn money through stablecoins is by lending them out to borrowers.


  • Stablecoin history begins with Tether, which runs USDT. Originally known as Realcoin, it began in October 2014.
  • Tether’s model was always simple: It promised that for every USDT there would be an actual redeemable dollar in the bank somewhere.
    • First, Tether has shifted its collateral mix but still claims to be fully backed.
    • Second, it remains by far the dominant stablecoin in the market, the third-largest cryptocurrency overall, and has a market cap of $64 billion as of this writing.
    • Third, sentiment around Tether in crypto has changed. Where once it met widespread skepticism, now it is treated as one of the “too big to fail” pillars of the crypto economy.
  • The culture definitely has shifted, mainly due to the continuous existence of Tether and the support of Tether by large institutional traders
  • Tether’s first-mover advantage has paid off handsomely, but their dominance probably won’t last forever as more stablecoins start coming onto the scene
  • Over-collateralized but more decentralized stablecoins, such as MakerDAO’s DAI. DAI began as a stablecoin collateralized only with ETH, the cryptocurrency that runs the smart contract chain Ethereum.
  • The next phase, Hoang says, is meta-stablecoins. These are stablecoins that exist in smart contracts that are making use of them and give depositors tokens that account for their deposits. These meta-stablecoins have unique properties, either growing in value or growing in quantity based on the success of the deposit.
  • So DAI deposited in Compound becomes cDAI, which earns the interest on that deposit. Or any of several stablecoins deposited onto the automated market maker Curve, in its yCRV pool. Such deposits become yCRV tokens.


  • UST is the Terraform Labs stablecoin that tracks the U.S. dollar price. Built on a Tendermint-based blockchain, UST has bridged its way to Ethereum and Solana already.
  • UST is a purely algorithmic product. It has a small base of users in e-commerce in Southeast Asia plus it has moved strongly into DeFi with savings and synthetic assets products.


  • “I think tether and USDC is great, but if you build crypto apps on top of assets that can be regulated, and I think as they get larger they are sure to get regulated, then it holds DeFi hostage,” said Do Kwon, Terraform Labs’ CEO. “The only way you can solve this is if you come up with a truly decentralized and unbiased form of money.”
  • AMPL has a strong future as a truly decentralized asset to borrow. As that market shapes up, he said, AMPL’s stability should improve and time will prove Ampleforth’s one-token thesis to be right.
    • Crypto insiders have long complained that everyone holding dollars is invisibly losing money each day, so this is Ampleforth’s solution. “You just want a stable unit of account,” Kuo said. “One of the benefits of a purely algorithmic approach is you can do that.”

Solana and stablecoin

  • (???) Solana sẽ có stablecoin dùng để tính chi phí cho các transaction, bảo đảm chi phí luôn rẻ và không bị biến động
  • UXD Raises $3M to Bring Algorithmic Stablecoins to Solana. The team behind the interest-generating UXD is backed by Multicoin Capital, Alameda Research and the Solana Foundation.
  • UXD Protocol, an algorithmic stablecoin that automatically generates interest and is minted on the Solana blockchain, has raised $3 million in seed funding led by Multicoin Capital.
  • UXD, which announced Thursday that it’s launching into testnet phase, is also backed by Alameda Research, Defiance Capital, CMS Holdings, Solana Foundation, Mercurial Finance, Solana founders Anatoly Yakovenko and Raj Gokal and Saber founder Dylan Macalinao.
  • The $120 billion stablecoin market is beset by opaque asset backing, a reliance on centralized banking and capital inefficient methods, making the quest for a fully decentralized and highly scalable “algocoin” something of a Holy Grail.
  • UXD claims to be the first to be backed by delta-neutral positions, a hedging strategy from portfolio management that uses multiple positions with balancing positive and negative deltas

Crypto problems to solve

  • A stablecoin that scales infinitely is a very enticing problem to solve, but the last year has been unkind to the approach; several have tried. And yet, entrepreneurs are not giving up.


REF: https://cryptobriefing.com/the-top-bridges-interoperability-with-ethereum/

  • Bridges are permissionless applications that allow users to send tokens and arbitrary data between blockchain networks. By deploying bridge connections, various competing or complementary networks have attempted to capture a portion of the value generated on Ethereum
  • Ethereum bridges offer a way to send assets to EVM-compatible networks like Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, and Fantom, as well as non-EVM-compatible networks like Solana and Terra. Ethereum Layer 2 solutions and sidechains also boast interoperability with Ethereum via several bridges.
  • To bridge tokens from Ethereum to other networks, users deposit assets into a bridge contract deployed on Ethereum mainnet. The same amount of the asset is then minted on the other network. The tokens get burned when the assets are moved back to mainnet, and are then made available on the network.
  • In theory, all Layer 1 and Layer 2 networks could have a mechanism to send and receive assets from Ethereum to other networks. Sending funds to an EVM-compatible network is a simpler process; users can connect through an Ethereum-based wallet like MetaMask.
  • When migrating Ethereum-native assets to a non-EVM-compatible chain like Solana, the bridge connecting the two networks uses two different wallet addresses and token standards. This means that users have to connect both an Ethereum and Solana-compatible wallet, such as MetaMask and Phantom.

Solana Bridges: Wormhole, Sollet and Allbridge

Solana is arguably the strongest competition to Ethereum’s dominance today. Solana is faster and cheaper than Avalanche, with block times of around half a second. Those who want to send ERC-20 tokens to Solana can use two primary bridges: Sollet and Wormhole.

Tokens sent from Ethereum to Solana are wrapped and minted to the SPL token standard via Wormhole and Sollet, which allows them to be used across Solana dApps.

It’s worth noting that tokens that bridge to Solana using Sollet or Wormhole will not be compatible with each other because Sollet-wrapped tokens are different from Wormhole-wrapped versions of the same ERC-20 tokens.

Wormhole is the more popular of the two bridges. Unlike Sollet, it also lets users transfer NFT tokens, whether they were minted as an ERC-721 token on Ethereum or an SPL token on Solana. While the two bridges charge less than a cent for a single cross-chain transaction, Ethereum gas fees are significantly higher.


  • At the same time, news also broke yesterday that an on-chain asset management protocol built on the Solana blockchain known as Synchrony has raised USD 4.2m in funding from investors, including Sanctor Capital, Wintermute Trading, and GBV Capital. The funding will mainly go towards further development of the protocol’s configurable indices for decentralized finance, while some of it will also be directed towards marketing efforts.
  • Additionally, on October 20, Solana announced that UST is coming to Solana DeFi through Wormhole, the cross-chain interoperability protocol that connects high-value blockchain networks.
  • On the same day, OKEx announced the deposit and withdrawal service for USDT and USDC through the Solana network.



Điểm đặc biệt

  • Tiềm năng hơn BTC bởi vì tính bảo mật của nó; nó che dấu tất cả thông tin người gởi và người nhận, bảo mật hơn BTC
    • Even though it’s commonly thought that BTC can conceal a person’s identity, it’s often easy to trace payments back to their original source because blockchains are transparent. On the other hand, XMR is designed to obscure senders and recipients alike through the use of advanced cryptography.
    • The team behind Monero say privacy and security are their biggest priorities, with ease of use and efficiency coming second. It aims to provide protection to all users — irrespective of how technologically competent they are.
  • There are several things that make Monero unique. One of the project’s biggest aims is achieving the greatest level of decentralization possible, meaning that a user doesn’t need to trust anyone else on the network.
  • Privacy is achieved through a few distinctive features. Whereas each Bitcoin in circulation has its own serial number, meaning that cryptocurrency usage can be monitored, XMR is completely fungible. By default, details about senders, recipients and the amount of crypto being transferred are obscured — and Monero advocates says this offers an upper hand over rival privacy coins such as Zcash, which are “selectively transparent.”
  • Obfuscation is achieved through the use of ring signatures. Here, past transaction outputs are picked from the blockchain and act as decoys, meaning that outside observers can’t tell who signed it. If Ian was sending 200 XMR to Susan, this amount could also be split into random chunks to add a further level of difficulty.
  • To ensure that transactions cannot be linked to one another, stealth addresses are created for every single transaction that are only used once.
  • All of these distinctive features have led to XMR being increasingly used for illicit transactions instead of Bitcoin — especially on darknet markets. Governments around the world, especially the U.S., have also offered hundreds of thousands of dollars to anyone who can crack Monero’s code.


  • Ranking #39
  • Live market cap of $4,614,563,448 USD.
  • Circulating supply of 18,013,604 XMR coins and the max. supply is not available.
  • Cái chính là công cụ payment bảo mật –> rất tiềm năng
    • Overall, XMR aims to allow payments to be made quickly and inexpensively without fear of censorship.
    • Rumors that XMR was also invented by Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of Bitcoin.
  • XMR’s origins can be traced back to Bytecoin
  • This cryptocurrency is designed to be resistant to application-specific integrated circuits, which are commonly used for mining new Bitcoin. In theory, this means that it can be possible to mine XMR using everyday computing equipment.
  • Overall, there will eventually be a total of 18.4 million XMR in circulation — and this cap is expected to be reached on May 31, 2022. After this, miners will be incentivized using “tail emissions,” with a small amount of XMR being fed into the system every 60 seconds as a reward. It is believed this approach is more effective than relying on transaction fees.
  • One of Monero’s main goals has to prevent centralization — and this network uses a consensus mechanism called CryptoNight, which is based on proof-of-work. This prevents large mining farms from becoming a dominant force.
  • Because of its nature as a privacy coin, XMR isn’t listed on some major exchanges. For example, although you can buy XMR on Binance, it isn’t supported by Coinbase.

Mining info

  • More people can fairly share the coin’s over 17 million total supply. Monero’s previous use of the CryptNight hashing algorithm was replaced in November 2019, when a scheduled upgrade introduced RandomX, which is a PoW algorithm that also discourages the development of ASICs. RandomX also began to penalize Monero miners that used GPUs, which means that CPU mining is now the best way to mine Monero.
  • Monero mining is the process of verifying transactions on the cryptocurrency’s blockchain to earn rewards in the form of XMR coins. You should note that the cryptocurrency works similarly to Bitcoin, except that it is more bent on facilitating private transactions.
  • Unlike Bitcoin, which has a fixed supply of 21 million coins, the privacy-centric coin doesn’t have a similar hard cap. Instead, it is set up in a way that if the miners discover all the allocated 18.132 million tokens, then a “tail emission” will begin generating 0.6 XMR rewards infinitely, starting in May 2022. This keeps the miners motivated after depleting the total supply.
  • A new block on the decentralized platform is found approximately every two minutes, and the current block reward as of January 2021 is 1.26 XMR.
  • Mining is a business; therefore, the profitability of mining Monero should come into play before you even think of acquiring the necessary equipment. To determine if mining Monero is profitable, you have to take into consideration the mining hardware hashrate, electricity costs and the pool maintenance fees provided. A key factor that adds to the profitability of XMR miners is that the process doesn’t require pricey heavy-duty gizmos like in Bitcoin. With even a simple CPU, or GPU, you are good to go.
  • Mining calculator: https://www.coinwarz.com/mining/monero/calculator
  • Mining is a time-based competition. Therefore, the higher the device’s processing speed, the luckier and merrier the mining process would be. And as stated earlier, Monero uses the same consensus mechanism as Bitcoin, albeit with a different hashing algorithm.
  • To elaborate, BTC uses the SHA-256, while Monero uses RandomX. The two hashing algorithms cause the difference in supported mining devices. Although ASIC manufacturers have made many attempts to take a stab at the privacy-focused cryptocurrency, the XRM team has managed to iterate anti-ASIC upgrades enough times to keep these devices at bay.
  • Why chase ASICs away? Due to their cost, only a select few can afford them, leading to the centralization of miners — hence, overriding the decentralization vision of the crypto community in the Monero developers’ eyes.
  • The hash rate is a measure of cryptocurrency mining devices' speed. Simply put, it’s the number of hashes or calculations the device can process per second.
  • XMR mining is among the few profitable mining ventures that don’t break the bank to acquire the mining equipment. With your CPU or GPU and initiative, you’re all set. Furthermore, the option of cloud mining removes the hassle of building and maintaining a rig for those who want to do away with the technical stuff involved in mining Monero. This makes it one of the easier cryptocurrencies to mine, and it has a lower barrier to entry.


Popular XRM mining hardware includes:

  • AMD Threadripper 3990X
  • AMD Ryzen 9 3900X
  • Intel Core i9-10900K


  • To solo mine, the CLI or GUI wallet can be used, but with a CPU only.
  • To mine with a pool or a GPU, dedicated software will be needed. XMRig CSminer … Most XRM mining pools charge a fee between 0% and 2%. Some popular Monero mining pools are MineXMR, SupportXMR, Unipool and XMRNanopool. Apart from verifying transactions faster than going solo, joining an XMR mining pool means that the rewards are mostly stable. The benefits of Monero pools is that you will receive frequent payouts according to how much you contribute to the Monero pool of your choice
  • Note that choosing a reputable pool is ideal because while you may be providing your hash power to a pool, a disreputable pool may fail to maintain its connection to the Monero blockchain.


Đào vs mua?

  • Nếu đào ra được mà chi phí đào thấp hơn mua thì nên đào. Mà hiện tại chi phí đào thấp hơn chi phí mua (hiển nhiên)


  • Cài chương trình đào trên Windows, chạy thử, tham gia pool và thử đào 1 XMR đầu tiên xem ntn
  • Cấu hình để dùng GPU
  • Chạy với Linux có nhanh hơn?
  • Ví XMR?


  • Alternatively, criminals can shift their attention to privacy-focused cryptocurrencies that implement algorithms for hiding the transaction details of users. There is also the option of using crypto mixing tools that let people cloak the source of their crypto assets. In theory, these systems could receive crime-related cryptocurrencies from criminals, mix them with other crypto gotten from various sources and redistribute untainted coins to users. This process makes it a lot harder to trail crypto or wallet addresses associated with illegal activities.


Worklog - Week 18/10


  • Hoàn chỉnh template và nội dung cho dev.vms
  • Finalize phần accounting 2020 cho VMS và cập nhật các báo cáo năm trước 2019
  • Plan nội dung và launch phiên bản draft cho cargotek cho các giải pháp logistics/warehouse


  • Genome :: Thêm chức năng lọc nhiều panel + show list gene
  • Đã có sổ phụ ngân hàng TAP –> Complete phần TAP 2020
  • Tạo news-reader tương tự db-viewer, embed trong cp9 như iframe, và có thể chạy độc lập. Viết trong cp9



  • Hỗ trợ cho phép tạo trang bất kỳ trong ngôn ngữ tiếng Việt, vd: /vi/biotech/genome-app.html; các trang vi có thể clone từ trang gốc tiếng Anh và dịch+customize lại cho tiếng Việt
  • Hỗ trợ list cho trang posts https://xxx/posts/?
  • Làm nội dung thật cho web vms
    • Trang about
    • Trang contact
    • Trang home
  • Refactor CSS / images
  • Finalize lại css của insights…


  • Setup Monero
  • List các coin có thể mine
  • Coin nào thuộc loại privacy tương tự Monero?
  • Đã cài Easy Miner
  • Đã đăng ký account tại https://www.easyminer.net/
  • [o] Solana installation failed on Centos 7 <– Centos 8 is required
  • Chạy Solana trên HPZ40 > Ubuntu (thông qua EIFI application để vào Ubutu boot lúc khới động máy lên)

Install Solana Cli - Centos 7 failed

cd ~
mkdir solana
cd solana
sh -c "$(curl -sSfL https://release.solana.com/v1.8.0/install)"

Nếu có báo lỗi thiếu thư viện openssl thì cài thư viện này như sau:

wget https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.1.0i.tar.gz --no-check-certificate
tar -zxf openssl-1.1.0i.tar.gz
cd openssl-1.1.0i
sudo make install
mv libcrypto.so.1.1 libssl.so.1.1 /usr/lib64/

Nếu có báo lỗi /lib64/libc.so.6: version GLIBC_2.18' not found` thì coi như phiên bản Linux hiện tại không chạy được rồi.

In short: You can't!

longer answer: as glib is a core part of the whole system, you have to rebuild-recompile whole distribution with a new version of glibc and then reinstall. Attempts to replace glibc on "live system" are known to fail leading to non-booting system.

Upgrading glibc within a current release in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (or CentOS) is not possible.

`GLIBC_2.18' chỉ có ở Centos 8

Install Solana Cli - Ubuntu 20.4 OK

cd ~
mkdir solana
cd solana
sh -c "$(curl -sSfL https://release.solana.com/v1.8.0/install)"
solana --version

Xem thông tin một địa chỉ nào đó

solana account 4fVEbnVXsiCjcwwfs9g5n6JJpCAbdvy8YWr654EzyG5Q

Để mở wallet từ các sercret words

solana-keygen pubkey prompt://
(nhap cac secret words vao roi bam Enter)

Xem thông tin cấu hình

solana config get
  • Xem cluster version: solana cluster-version
solana airdrop 5 4fVEbnVXsiCjcwwfs9g5n6JJpCAbdvy8YWr654EzyG5Q --url https://api.devnet.solana.com
solana account 4fVEbnVXsiCjcwwfs9g5n6JJpCAbdvy8YWr654EzyG5Q --url https://api.devnet.solana.com
solana balance  4fVEbnVXsiCjcwwfs9g5n6JJpCAbdvy8YWr654EzyG5Q --url https://api.devnet.solana.com

Create new wallet

solana-keygen new --no-passphrase --no-outfile
(pubkey: 4g4tEKrxrucwRNHxJdbguLHKCGFpELrJ7ZxbVgcacKys)


solana transfer --from <KEYPAIR> <RECIPIENT_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> 0.5 --allow-unfunded-recipient --url https://api.devnet.solana.com --fee-payer <KEYPAIR>


solana transfer --from 4fVEbnVXsiCjcwwfs9g5n6JJpCAbdvy8YWr654EzyG5Q 4g4tEKrxrucwRNHxJdbguLHKCGFpELrJ7ZxbVgcacKys 0.5 --allow-unfunded-recipient --url https://api.devnet.solana.com --fee-payer 4fVEbnVXsiCjcwwfs9g5n6JJpCAbdvy8YWr654EzyG5Q

Full example of test transfer

$ solana-keygen new --outfile my_solana_wallet.json   # Creating my first wallet, a file system wallet
Generating a new keypair
For added security, enter a passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Wrote new keypair to my_solana_wallet.json
pubkey: DYw8jCTfwHNRJhhmFcbXvVDTqWMEVFBX6ZKUmG5CNSKK                          # Here is the address of the first wallet
Save this seed phrase to recover your new keypair:
width enhance concert vacant ketchup eternal spy craft spy guard tag punch    # If this was a real wallet, never share these words on the internet like this!

$ solana airdrop 1 DYw8jCTfwHNRJhhmFcbXvVDTqWMEVFBX6ZKUmG5CNSKK --url https://api.devnet.solana.com  # Airdropping 1 SOL to my wallet's address/pubkey
Requesting airdrop of 1 SOL from

$ solana balance DYw8jCTfwHNRJhhmFcbXvVDTqWMEVFBX6ZKUmG5CNSKK --url https://api.devnet.solana.com # Check the address's balance

$ solana-keygen new --no-outfile  # Creating a second wallet, a paper wallet
Generating a new keypair
For added security, enter a passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
pubkey: 7S3P4HxJpyyigGzodYwHtCxZyUQe9JiBMHyRWXArAaKv                   # Here is the address of the second, paper, wallet.
Save this seed phrase to recover your new keypair:
clump panic cousin hurt coast charge engage fall eager urge win love   # If this was a real wallet, never share these words on the internet like this!

$ solana transfer --from my_solana_wallet.json 7S3P4HxJpyyigGzodYwHtCxZyUQe9JiBMHyRWXArAaKv 0.5 --allow-unfunded-recipient --url https://api.devnet.solana.com --fee-payer my_solana_wallet.json  # Transferring tokens to the public address of the paper wallet
3gmXvykAd1nCQQ7MjosaHLf69Xyaqyq1qw2eu1mgPyYXd5G4v1rihhg1CiRw35b9fHzcftGKKEu4mbUeXY2pEX2z  # This is the transaction signature

$ solana balance DYw8jCTfwHNRJhhmFcbXvVDTqWMEVFBX6ZKUmG5CNSKK --url https://api.devnet.solana.com
0.499995 SOL  # The sending account has slightly less than 0.5 SOL remaining due to the 0.000005 SOL transaction fee payment

$ solana balance 7S3P4HxJpyyigGzodYwHtCxZyUQe9JiBMHyRWXArAaKv --url https://api.devnet.solana.com
0.5 SOL  # The second wallet has now received the 0.5 SOL transfer from the first wallet

In Solana, the wallet address is the public key of a keypair.


Xem danh sách các validator và các thông tin của chúng

solana validators > validators.txt
more validators.txt

Nó show như sau:

Average Stake-Weighted Skip Rate: 2.99%
Average Unweighted Skip Rate:     4.72%

Active Stake: 395619772.871054292 SOL
Current Stake: 394706431.762531459 SOL (99.77%)
Delinquent Stake: 913341.108522766 SOL (0.23%)

Stake By Version:
1.6.20   -   0 current validators ( 0.00%),   1 delinquent validators ( 0.00%)
1.6.25   -   1 current validators ( 0.00%),   5 delinquent validators ( 0.02%)
1.6.7    -   0 current validators ( 0.00%),   2 delinquent validators ( 0.00%)
1.7.12   -   0 current validators ( 0.00%),   1 delinquent validators ( 0.00%)
1.7.14   - 1070 current validators (93.74%),  12 delinquent validators ( 0.15%)
1.7.15   -  17 current validators ( 4.79%),   2 delinquent validators ( 0.00%)
1.7.16   -   1 current validators ( 0.13%)
1.8.0    -   1 current validators ( 0.00%)
1.8.1    -   1 current validators ( 1.11%)
unknown  -   0 current validators ( 0.00%),  54 delinquent validators ( 0.06%)


A couple things to make sure of:

  • The localhost (as opposed to devnet) is set via solana config set --url localhost, hoac solana config set --url https://api.devnet.solana.com
  • You have generated a new keypair solana-keygen new

Khi do co the xem config file trong xml file va keypair trong json file


Solana example

The project comprises of:

    An on-chain hello world program
    A client that can send a "hello" to an account and get back the number of times "hello" has been sent

Solana - Rust


Binance API

Các chủ đề cần explore trong lĩnh vực crypto, blockchain


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