== vtranq ==

Centos vs Ubuntu

  • CentOS is a better choice for the enterprise than Ubuntu. That’s because CentOS is more secure and more stable. Plus, when you enlist enterprise support for CentOS, it’s a top choice for enterprise Linux
  • The biggest difference between the two Linux distributions is that Ubuntu is based on the Debian architecture while CentOS is forked from Red Hat Enterprise Linux. In Ubuntu, you can download DEB packages using the apt-get package manager.
  • CentOS is considered to be a more stable distribution compared to Ubuntu
  • Ubuntu is a more secure system than Debian. Debian is considered a much stabler system and is much easier to manage than Ubuntu
  • Ubuntu server has a great deal of support for container and cloud deployments which makes it superior to CentOS in this domain
  • CentOS is more stable and supported by a large community. Debian has relatively less market preference.
  • Oracle Linux. The closest alternative option to CentOS 8 Linux with RPM package management is the Oracle Enterprise Linux or OEL. It is also free and open source but for support, the user has to pay, otherwise, the rest of everything is free to use just like CentOS
  • In December 2020, Red Hat, which had acquired the CentOS project, abruptly announced a change in its focus in the wake of Red Hat’s acquisition by IBM. The company announced that the latest version, version 9, would end support at the end of 2021, much shorter than the 10-year schedule Red Hat had promised earlier, in favor of the rolling-release CentOS Stream development version. Support for Version 8 will end in 2024 as scheduled
  • CentOS Linux 8, as a rebuild of RHEL 8, will end at the end of 2024
  • The future of the CentOS Project is CentOS Stream
  • CentOS Stream is less stable than CentOS 8. CentOS Stream will get updates before RHEL while CentOS 8 did get them after RHEL
  • There will not be a CentOS Linux 9
  • Updates for the CentOS Linux 7 distribution continue as before until June 30, 2024

Rocky Linux

  • After the termination of CentOS 9 support, developers at CentOS have released a new distribution named Rocky Linux
  • Like the original CentOS, Rocky is a free drop-in replacement for RHEL
  • Images are available for both x86-64 and ARM processors. For each architecture, there are “Minimal”, “DVD”, and “Boot” options. The definition of “Minimal” seems relative because it weighs in at 1.73 GB
  • Rocky Linux 8.4 is binary compatible with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4. Hence it is powered by stable Linux Kernel 4.8 at the core
  • Rocky Linux isn’t a rolling release distribution—it will be more like CentOS than CentOS now is
  • Rocky Linux cloud platforms include Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform, but the project suggests it will be expanding these options soon
  • If you rely on CentOS and you don’t want to run CentOS stream or pay for RHEL, you could very well consider Rocky Linux when a stable version becomes available



  • AlmaLinux OS is an open-source, community-driven project that is built from the source code of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
  • AlmaLinux was officially released on March 30 2021. It’s a binary compatible fork of RHEL 8.3
  • AlmaLinux was maintained by CloudLinux, a company that provides server hosting.
  • 1:1 RHEL and CentOS compatible. AlmaLinux OS is the only 100% community owned and governed, open source, and forever-free, enterprise-grade Linux distribution
  • CentOS replacement AlmaLinux will be available on Azure Marketplace at no extra software cost, and Microsoft will sponsor a global mirror network for the operating system,
  • AlmaLinux was created by CloudLinux, who is backing the new CentOS fork at the tune of $1 million annually. That’s some serious coin to put up for an operating system. CloudLinux gets it; they know how important CentOS has been over the years, and how much it will continue to mean to both the Linux community and enterprise-class businesses
  • As a non-profit 501(c)(6) organization, AlmaLinux will be led by a governing board for the newly-created AlmaLinux Open Source Foundation.
  • SecureBoot is not available with AlmaLinux
  • AlmaLinux was named after the Latin word for “soul” to honor the vital role of community contributions in its creation
  • CloudLinux has committed a $1 million dollars annual endowment to support the project


AlmaLinux vs. Rocky Linux

  • Both AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux are RHEL-rebuilds that have emerged in response to the Red Hat announcement on Dec 8, 2020.
  • With both projects coalescing to fill the same vacuum that will be left by CentOS 8, both should be relatively identical. Not only to each other, but to the upstream RHEL release that they are rebuilt from. Where we expect to see differences is in release lag, responsiveness to bug reports, communication and transparency of the project leads.
  • Google Cloud hỗ trợ chính thức cho RockyLinux, nhưng không chính thức cho AlmaLinux
# gcloud compute images list | grep rocky
rocky-linux-8-v20210817                               rocky-linux-cloud    rocky-linux-8                                 READY

# gcloud compute images list --project almalinux-cloud --no-standard-images
NAME                   PROJECT          FAMILY       DEPRECATED  STATUS
almalinux-8-v20210817  almalinux-cloud  almalinux-8              READY

CONCLUSION: Tiếp tục sử dụng Centos 7, không cần upgrade lên 8 làm gì, và next OS để trial sẽ là RockyLinux (vì tinh thần của người sáng lập CentOS)